Article in the Kannada newspaper

SSRVM Bangalore North is delighted to share that A. Jayashree Praveen studying in Std X was featured in an article in the Kannada newspaper, Vijayavani for her work. She is passionate and has keen interest in papercraft and arts. She has been designing digital art for the past 3 years and has successfully launched her brand - Crafterina, an online Resin and papercraft store with themed products.

Article in the Kannada newspaper

Article in the Kannada newspaper

SSRVM Bangalore North is delighted to share that A. Jayashree Praveen studying in Std X was featured in an article in the Kannada newspaper, Vijayavani for her work. She is passionate and has keen interest in papercraft and arts. She has been designing digital art for the past 3 years and has successfully launched her brand - Crafterina, an online Resin and papercraft store with themed products.